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Please Only Flush Toilet Paper!

The RWSD would like to remind our District members to PLEASE ONLY FLUSH TOILET PAPER! Rags, grease, wipes, etc. are not flushable and should be placed in the trash. Please review this brochure from the NHDES for more details.

Help Wanted — Part-time Administrator

The Rollinsford Water and Sewer District (RWSD) is looking to hire a hard‐working, dependable, multitasking part‐time Administrator for approximately 20 hours per week. Please see the job description for more details. Interested candidates should contact the Commissioners at

6/10 Meeting of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners will meeting briefly on June 10th at 9:30 am to discuss purchases associated with General Sullivan Well. The meeting link is available >>. The meeting can also be accessed by phone at 1-617-675-4444;‬ PIN: ‪655 894 … Read More

Meeting of Commissioners, 6/8

The Board of Commissioners will be holding a virtual meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at 6:30 pm. Zoom Meeting Link: >> Meeting ID: 244 048 0861 Call-In Number: 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 244 048 0861; Passcode: 878124

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