We are pleased to report that General Sullivan Well is back online. Maher Services (the original well company) inspected and identified that General Sullivan well’s pump was within factory tolerances and didn’t require service but that the motor had failed. Through discussions with Maher Services of our distribution system’s characteristics, it was identified that the original well pump was undersized causing the motor to fail prematurely. The properly sized pump has now been purchased and installed along with a new motor for optimum well performance. In addition, the General Sullivan Well underwent a much-needed cleaning and redevelopment which has increased the amount of water that can be pumped from the well.
Given the improvements with the conditions at General Sullivan Well, the water use restrictions on vegetable gardening have been lifted. Note, however, that the remaining restrictions on outdoor water use are still being maintained for at least the next two weeks while we continue to monitor the well levels. The RWSD would like to thank our District members for complying with the remaining restrictions as we are still battling abnormally dry conditions.