On Friday, April 16th at 2:00 pm, there will be a pre-construction meeting for the Willey Street pipe replacement project. The Board of Commissioners will be meeting with representatives from Wright Pierce (an engineering firm), N.P. Giroux (the contractor awarded the project), the Rollinsford Highway Department, representatives from the Rollinsford Grade School, as well as Willey Street residents. Interested members of the public are also welcome to attend.
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/2440480861?pwd=aHljbnZ1ejZPZkxHcHc3cHEwelFoZz09
Meeting ID: 244 048 0861; Passcode: Jjqww0
Call-in Number: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 244 048 0861; Passcode: 878124