The Board of Commissioners has proposed a change to the water and sewer rate structure beginning in the second quarter of 2021. (The bill for first quarter 2021 which customers will receive in early April 2021 will be calculated using the past structure of a $93 charge for use of 15,000 gallons of water and a flat fee charge of $145 for sewer.)
The new proposed rate structure moves toward a more consumption-based billing and will include a base charge as well as a flow charge for usage. This change allows for a more equitable distribution of charges, as well as a focus on conservation. For full details on the calculation of the base charge and flow charge and a complete discussion of the rate structure change and supporting research, please refer to meeting minutes and/or meeting recordings from the February 23rd and March 2nd RWSD Board meetings. Please also feel free to reach out to the Commissioners with questions about these upcoming changes. In addition, contact the District office if you would like information about your past water usage to help estimate your future water and sewer bills under the new proposed structure.